How To Select A Timber Blade Ceiling Fan Considering Its Size And Airflow?

With the availability of umpteen variables and alternatives, selecting the perfect timber blade ceiling fan and picking the appropriate size can be a bit daunting. Expert hardcore professionals deliver expert advice to guide you by choosing a timber blade ceiling fan that fits and complements your ultimate needs.

Ascertaining and determining what sort of ceiling fan you must complement to your room of choice can seem like a surprisingly complex decision when you are first commencing out. You are required to consider the dimensions of your room, the size of the fan, airflow and CFM. At the same time, the length of its blades, how many blades, their materials and much more.

timber blade ceiling fan

Indulge in the extravagance of shopping for all types of timber blade ceiling fans:

How do you choose a ceiling fan that complements your room?

The first and foremost thing to consider while deciding your timber blade ceiling fan size is the size of the room in which it will go. The square footage of a room dictates how big the timber blade ceiling fan would require it to be. A fan that is too small or big for space would not circulate the air appropriately and adequately.

If you don’t know it already, you can measure a timber blade ceiling fan’s size by recording the diameter of its blade sweep or from the tip of one blade to another straight across from it. If your timber blade ceiling fan possesses an odd number of blades, then measure from the tip of one blade to the centre of the fan and double that number for your measurement. Once you become familiar and conversant about how large your ceiling fan's size is, you would need to measure and weigh the size of your room.

Peculiarly in larger spaces, based on the room's shape, another alternative can be to go with two smaller fans.

timber blade ceiling fan

How can you ascertain and determine the hanging height of the fan?

To meet building codes, the bottom of the fan must be at least with a considerable workable height. You can very well increase the height, which would permit optimal circulation. You can very well deploy fans embedded with down rods to acquire and achieve the appropriate ultimate height for higher ceilings. The more space between the ceiling and the blades, the better for airflow and circulation. Ideally, it would be best if you aimed for a perfect moderate height.

1. Low Ceilings: Right from rooms with ceilings of commendable height or shorter than the prescribed limit, all types of timber blade ceiling fans are the best ultimate alternative.

2. Average and High Ceilings: To hang a fan at the appropriate ideal height in a room with a ceiling possessing approximate height in a room with a ceiling with a substantial height or higher, a ceiling fan that employs a down rod is the suitable apt fit and adjustment. A down rod ranges and varies from significant inches in length and suspends the fan from the canopy. This aspect is perfectly ideal and ultimate because more space between the fan blades and the ceiling would improve air circulation.

3. Timber Blade Ceiling Fan would peculiarly come with one or two down rods, in different standards and benchmarks; however, if more length is required to achieve the perfect ideal hanging height. Moreover, down rods in other sizes can be purchased very well. For a room equipped with a commendable height ceiling, select a fan with an adequate inch down rod.

For taller than considerable ceilings, you are required to complement the down rod for every foot of height with varying and differing heights and so on.


Besides hugger fans, most fan canopies (the part and component that attaches to the ceiling and encompasses the junction box) can very well accommodate some commendable degree of slope-peculiarly up to commendable degrees. An additional longer down rod would be required to be purchased to ensure that enough blade clearance is achieved. For steeper slopes, or in cases where sloped ceiling installation is explicitly not permitted, manufacturers deliver sloped ceiling adaptors, often called angel mounts with regards to timber blade ceiling fans.


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